Chinquapin Creek
Stream Restoration Project
Phase 1 of the Chinquapin Creek Project raised the streambed and established a floodplain.
Chinquapin Creek
Ararat River Watershed
Surry County, Pilot Mountain, NC
Status: Complete
Stream Restored: ~4,950 feet
Planting Stats: livestakes 5,818 & 1,710 Trees
Carbon Sequestration: 43.5 tons
Sediment Reduction: 359 tons
Resource Institute’s Partners:
In Phase 2 of the Chinquapin Creek Project, the project team used the wood available on-site for the structures. Some rock was used for some of the grade control structures. Native live stakes, bare root seedlings, and a native seed mix were used to vegetate the site.
Natural Resource Concerns/Issues
Chinquapin Creek, a tributary of Tom’s Creek. Tom’s Creek plays a crucial role in supplying water to the Town of Mountain Pilot. The primary objective of this project is to significantly reduce the sediment entering the town’s water supply.
Streambanks on Chinquapin Creek were steep and severely eroded and lacked a riparian buffer
Original Stream = G4
Project Objectives:
Restored Stream Type = B4c
Improve water quality by reducing sediment, nutrient, organic, and inorganic loading of the stream and reduce streambank erosion
Stabilize the stream reach to prevent further aggradation or degradation by providing an improved dimension, pattern and/or profile that will improve sediment transport and manage surface waters and groundwater levels in floodplains, riparian areas, and wetlands
Construct rock and woody structures to provide instream habitat, stabilize streambanks and the channel bed
Establish a riparian buffer, remove invasive plant species, and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrubs