Cove Creek
Stream Restoration Project


Cove Creek post-construction and prior to riparian buffer planting.

Cove Creek

Watauga River Watershed
Watauga County, Sugar Grove, NC
Status:  Complete
Stream Restored: ~ 2,000 feet
Planting Stats: 4,000 Live Stakes & 800 Trees
Carbon Sequestration over 10 years = 39.6 tons

Resource Institute’s Partners:

Natural Resource Concern/Issues

Prior to project implementation, Cove Creek streambanks were steep and unstable.

  • Streambanks on Cove Creek  were steep and severely eroded and lacked a riparian buffer

  • Original Stream = Type C4

Project Objectives:

  • Restored Stream Type = C4

  • Improve water quality by reducing sediment, nutrient, organic, and inorganic loading of the stream and reduce streambank erosion

  • Stabilize the stream reach to prevent further aggradation or degradation by providing an improved dimension, pattern and/or profile that will improve sediment transport, and manage surface waters and groundwater levels in floodplains, riparian areas, and wetlands

  • Construct rock and woody structures to provide instream habitat, stabilize streambanks and the channel bed

  • Establish a riparian buffer and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrub