Stingy Branch Restoration Project
Stingy Branch
Tributary of the Pidgeon River
Haywood County, Iron Duff, NC
Status: Complete
Stream Restored: ~1,500 feet
Resource Concern/Issues:
Stingy Branch is a headwater stream that suffered from suffered critical erosion and incised streambanks.
Project Objectives:
Improve water quality by reducing sediment, nutrient, organic, and inorganic loading of the stream and reduce streambank erosion
Stabilize the stream reach to prevent further aggradation or degradation by providing an improved dimension, pattern and/or profile that will improve sediment transport, and manage surface waters and groundwater levels in floodplains, riparian areas, and wetlands
Construct rock and woody structures to provide instream habitat, stabilize streambanks and the channel bed
Restore and stabilize streambanks
Establish a riparian buffer, remove invasive plant species and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrubs
Establish a 6.5-acre conservation easement donated by the landowner
Create a walking trail and footbridge
Establish a riparian buffer, remove invasive plant species and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrubs